The following success story was submitted by Bread of Life (BOL), a UWKV partner program.
Last April, on a rainy cold day, I (a BOL employee) overheard a gentleman come in and ask my receptionist for a dry pair of socks. Something that happens regularly. I overheard more of the interaction, and I could hear the panic and stress in this gentleman’s voice rise. As the receptionist gathered what he needed I offered him a cup of coffee and voiced my concern on how soaking wet he was. As I handed him the cup of coffee, he started crying and explaining his current situation and why he was soaked. I tried to calm him and told him we could get him a dry shirt and jacket too. I refilled his coffee and also brought him a sandwich from the soup kitchen. He explained that this “wasn’t who he was” and “he was better than this.”
The gentleman, Shon, went on to explain that he got in a “tight spot” and had to couch surf. Then the landlord found out and he got kicked out – which is when he started to live in the woods. As he put dry clothes on and I kept the coffee full, I watched the young man’s stress start to leave his body. He explained he lost his job at a fast food place because he hadn’t showered, this is when the tears started again, and he reiterated this “wasn’t who he was.” I told him we don’t judge and we are here to help.
I suggested he stay at our shelter, where he could have his own bed, and his own space, and a hot shower. Within 20 minutes Shon was in the shelter, in his own room, dry and warm. The next week I visited the shelter as part of my normal routine, Shon ran out and told me he had his job back! He was so thankful!
Two weeks later he moved into his own apartment. Shon is a prime example of the leg up our community members need, and Bread of Life is there to help with a hot cup of coffee, dry clothes, shelter and a home.