What We Do
Impact Stories
See how your dollars are changing lives across Kennebec Valley.

Where your dollars go
The following success story was submitted by Kennebec Valley Community Action Program’s (KVCAP’s) Kennebec Community Investors Initiative, a UWKV partner program. The Kennebec Community Investors initiative recently supported a new

KBH Client Story
Kennebec Behavioral Health’s (KBH’s) Outreach Program received a report of a man living in inhabitable conditions. When staff members went to find him, he was living in a two-axle camping trailer on a very remote piece of land without running water and no nearby neighbors. The client was on probation, which was the only living situation he had available.

Ricky’s Story
Ricky (a pseudonym), who was an early participant in Snow Pond’s StoryCorps sessions at Waterville’s South End Teen Center (SETC), which began in June 2022. Snow Pond’s staff first met Ricky when he attended its Learn to Own music program at SETC. His background included an unstable home environment, food insecurity, and lack of support. He would barely make eye contact.

Sandra’s Story
Sandra (pseudonym) a woman in her early 50’s was newly released from Maine State Prison and living at the Bread of Life Shelter recalls feeling lost, lonely, and scared. She was sober for the first time in over 30 years, with no sense of self, in unfamiliar surroundings, and was referred to LINC by her co-occurring Drug Court Case-Manager.

Jessi & Ryan’s Story
Jessi and Ryan’s eight-month-old daughter Beatrice is a student in the Chickadee’s classroom and their two-year-old son, Arlo, is a student in the Raven’s classroom at the YMCA’s Learning Center.

Jule’s Story
Before the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) opened its doors in 2012, young victims would be subjected to multiple interviews with many different systems and investigating agents. Each time the child would have to share painful details of the abuse. Just as problematic, the child’s answers were often conflicting & inaccurate because of the many different ways that adults asked questions.

Albert’s Story
Albert received help from MaineGeneral’s Horizon Program with purchasing a rolling walker that allowed him to go the Fryeburg Fair for the first time in years.

Robert’s Story
Robert and his mom participated in Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation (SKCDC) programming at the Magic location for over two years.

May’s Story
May, a single mother with three children, has been receiving Homeless & Hunger Prevention (HHP) services from Rural Community Action Ministry (RCAM)…