Get Involved
Small Business Circle
Small Business. Big Impact.
For as little as $1 a day for 365 days a year, small businesses can have a profound effect on our community. Members can contribute to the 365 Small Business Circle (SBC) through a direct owner contribution, a staff or customer challenge, or a fundraising event benefiting United Way of Kennebec Valley (UWKV). Participating in the 365 SBC demonstrates your business’ dedication to advancing the health, education and financial stability of our community to customers, fellow business owners and community members. Explore the potential ways your business can contribute below.

365 SBC Partner
- Small Business Circle member window decal
- Inclusion in quarter-page ad in Kennebec Journal
- Listing on UWKV's website
- Recognition through UWKV’s social media
- Listing in leadership book
- Invitations to our campaign networking events
365 SBC Leader
- Small Business Circle leader member window decal
- Full-color logo listed on quarter-page ad in Kennebec Journal
- Logo listed on UWKV's website
- Recognition through UWKV’s social media
- Logo listed in leadership book
- Invitations to our campaign networking events
365 Small Business Circle Leaders

365 Small Business Circle Partners
Belgrade Lakes Resources
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate- Masiello Group
Brennan Insurance Agency
Bromar Printing
Chris Voynik, Laflin and Wolfington Realty
C.O. Beck and Sons Roofing
Cushnoc Brewing Company
Dave Dostie Photography
Kristina Stewart, Rizzo Mattson Realtors
Lagace Properties
McFarland Electric, Inc.
Michael Roderigue Financial Planning
Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
Rebecca Tibbetts, Coldwell Banker Plourde Real Estate
The Robins Nest
Sprague and Curtis Real Estate
Wiswell Electric, Inc.
For more information or to become a member, contact Tyler LeClair, Resource Development Manager.