Jule’s Story

Before the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) opened its doors in 2012, young victims would be subjected to multiple interviews with many different systems and investigating agents. Each time the child would have to share painful details of the abuse. Just as problematic, the child's answers were often conflicting & inaccurate because of the many different ways that adults asked questions.

Trigger Warning: The following spotlight focuses on sexual abuse and may be emotionally triggering for some readers.

Before the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) opened its doors in 2012, young victims of sexual abuse would be subjected to multiple interviews with many different systems and investigating agents. Each time the child would have to share painful details of the abuse. Just as problematic, the child’s answers were often conflicting and inaccurate because of the many different ways that adults asked questions.

Today, the CAC is proud to offer a safe, neutral place for children and teens to talk about what happened to them. Jule (a pseudonym), a teenager at the CAC, most likely would have stopped answering questions had the process worked as described above. But because she was able to be seen at the CAC, the needs of her being 13 years old were considered, before we asked her for the difficult details about what happened.

In this particular case, Jule was sexually abused by an adult male. Both of Jule’s parents attended the CAC appointment with her. They were in search of any resources the organization could offer. In addition to the forensic interview, the CAC was able to assist Jule and her parents in many different ways. Jule was referred for specialized medical care with one of the leading medical experts in child sexual abuse, and she began receiving evidence-based mental health treatment right away.

An advocate through our agency met with Jule & her family bi-weekly for many months to support them through the many systems and steps in the healing journey. When there were additional safety concerns regarding the perpetrator breaking into their home trying to access Jule, we were able to pull a high-risk response team together to address criminal and legal remedies. Our agency was able to assist with the purchase of a security system for the safety of Jule & her younger siblings as well as the parents.

Today Jule is a healthy, thriving high school student and is doing remarkably well. The CAC and its multidisciplinary approach was instrumental in helping Jule and family heal and feel supported every step of the way.

On Key

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